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Timesheets Lite provides a flexible and fast reporting system to allow you to quickly generate your timesheet report and track your project activity and costs. There are several pre-defined reports in Timesheets Lite and a range of flexible data export options to allow you to easily generate your own reports. When logged in as a super user, project manager, or reports user you can access all reports from the Tools-> Reporting -> Reports menu. Normal User employees have access to limited reports.

Configuring Reports.

Before generating most reports you will be given the chance to configure the employees you want to report on and the date range across which you wish to report. For more information see the Report Configuration help topic.

Common Activity Report The Common Activity Report gives a break down of time spent on projects by Common Activity.
Detailed Activity Report The Detailed Activity Report gives a day by day break down of time spent on each project for each employee.
Employee Timesheet The Employee Timesheet gives a seven day timesheet suitable for printing and signing by the employee and the employee's supervisor.
Internal/External Time Report The Internal/External Time Report gives a week by week break down of the time employees worked on internal and external projects.
Non Billable Ratio Report The Non Billable Ratio report gives a week by week break down of the time employees spend working on non billable and billable projects.
Project Activity Summary Report The Project Activity Summary Report breaks down the time spent by each employee on all projects across the reporting period.
Project Completion Report The Project Completion Report uses the financial information for each project and the actual time spent on projects to determine an estimated completion percentage and an actual hourly rate for the project.
Project Details Report The Project Details Report summarizes each project and includes information such as customer, billable and non billable hours booked and the number of invoiced hours.
Time Requirement Report The time requirement report gives a week by week variance of actual employee hours worked against their weekly time requirement.
Two Week Timesheet The Two Week Timesheet gives a 14 day timesheet for each employee including time spent on each project during the report period.
User Project Grid The User Project Grid report gives a table of projects against employees and the time spent on each during the report period.
Weekly Hours Report The Weekly Hours Report gives a table of time recorded by each employee for each 7 day week during the reporting period.

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Timesheets MTS Software (2002-25)
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