Getting Started with Timesheets Lite

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Timesheets Lite is remarkably simple to setup and learn to use. This getting started guide is designed to make things just a little easier for the new Timesheets Lite user.

1. Download and Install the Software

Download and install Timesheets Lite from our website. When you first run the software you'll be asked to make some simple decisions about how you want the software setup. One of these includes creating an employee account for yourself as well as setting a password. Note these settings down and then you're ready to log into the software for the first time.

2. Create Employees

Create employee records for each employee you want to log into Timesheets Lite. You can do this on the Managing Employees screen.

3. Create Customers

Create customers for whom you do your work using the Managing Customers screen.

4. Create Projects

For your employees to be able to enter their timesheet data there must be projects available for them to book their time to. Projects can be created using the Managing Projects screen.

5. Create Common Activities

If you require finer tracking of your project times you can create activities which employees can assign their time to when recording their timesheet data. Activities can be created using the Managing Common Activities screen.

6. Record Time Spent Against Projects

Have your employees record their timesheet data using The Timesheet screen.

7. Run Reports and Monitor Project Costs

Timesheets Lite contains many different reports useful for monitoring project costs and budgets. These can be found on the Reports screen.

8. Invoice Your Customers

Timesheets Lite can produce reports suitable for use with your invoicing and billing system using the Invoicing screen.

Timesheets MTS Software (2002-25)
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