Editing an Invoice in Timesheets MTS |
Invoices in Timesheets MTS are associated with a project and report on selected project spend (for time, travel, expenditure, and standard cost item sales) across a given date range.
Some key things to understand about invoices in Timesheets MTS is that once an invoice has been issued to a customer then then the time, travel, expenditure, and standard cost item sales associated with that invoice are marked as invoiced. Once issued the items cannot be marked as non-invoiced, and the invoice cannot be deleted until it is marked as paid.
There are three main tasks involved with editing an invoice. The first is filling the invoice with the details suc as the invpice time period and customer. The second is getting the invoice line items for the invoice and editing them and applying discounts and so on. The final step is issueing the invoice to the customer and receiving payment.
Once you have added an invoice you can add automatically generated line items or any custom line items you like to the invoice. Navigate to the Invoice Maintenance screen, select a non-issued invoice and click the Get Invoice Line Items button. You will then be shown the following screen:
The Invoice Details screen allows you to select a date range for the invoice, what customer projects you want to invoice, what activity you want to invoice, and apply a discount or tax amount to the invoice. To get line item details for an invoice select a date range and activity type, and click the Get Details button. You can choose to itemize project expenses on the invoice by checking the Itemize Expenditure checkbox. Apply any discount or tax to the invoice and when you are happy click the Accept Details button and the invoice details will be transferred to the invoice.
Once you have added an invoice and selected the invoice details you can issue an invoice to a customer. To do this click the Invoice Issued checkbox. A warning will be displayed asking you if you are sure if you want to issue the invoice. Click OK if you want to proceed. Part of the issuing process includes refreshing the invoice details for your selected date range and activity types, so you may wish to go through the getting of invoice details procedure first to make sure you know what the invoice amount will be.
Before an invoice is issued you can edit any of the invoice details to customise the invoice for a particular customer. This may include invoice notes, payment terms, customer contacts, or adjustment of discounts or tax amounts. To make edits simply make any changes you like to the appropriate fields and click the OK button to accept the changes. You can also edit any automatically generated line items or add your own arbitrary line items an invoice. Check the Invoice Line Items help page for more details.