Interface Options

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The interface options of Timesheets Lite control how your employees interact with the software and how certain aspects of the user interface appear and behave.

Activity Column on Timesheet Check this box to display the commmon activity column on the timesheet. If you're not planning on using common activities then you can leave this un-checked.
Display Tips at Startup Check this box to display the tips box when Timesheets Lite starts.
Enable Auto Login Check this box to have the currently logged in employee automatically logged in when Timesheets Lite starts up. Use with caution because anyone with access to a computer with this setting turned on will be able to log into the Timesheets Lite employee account without a password.
Use Non Billable Fields When checked a column for non billable time will show on the employee timesheet and employees will be able to mark a time as non-billable on the Add/Edit Time screen.
First Day of Week Choose the first day of your work week using this dropdown.
Numerical Precision Select the precision of time values displayed by Timesheets Lite. All values are stored with full precision but rounded when displayed or used in reports. So, for example, a time of 1 hour, 5 minutes and 15 seconds equates to 3915 seconds or 1.0875 hours. This value would be stored in the Timesheets Lite database as 1.0875 but if numerical precision was set to 2 it would be displayed (and reported) as 1.09 hours.
Project Sort Key Choose the project value that projects in dropdown lists are sorted by. Some users prefer projects sorted by name and others prefer them to be sorted by project number.
Require Confirmation of Timer Stop Check this box to require employee confirmation of stopping of the task timer.
Time Display Format Use this dropdown to select how times will be displayed and recorded in Timesheets Lite. The options are HH.hh (decimal hours), hh:mm:ss (hours, minutes and seconds), or Time Units. Time units might be units of 6 minutes or 15 minutes for example.
Unit Size The size (in minutes) of time units (see the Time Display Format topic above).
Application Skin You can control the skin of the Timesheets Lite application by making a selction from this dropdown.

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Timesheets MTS Software (2002-25)
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